5 Ways to Make your Home More Natural

5 Ways to Make your Home More Natural

If you are feeling like you’re disconnected with nature, you aren’t the only one, indeed, many people who live in urban environments are feeling exactly that. There are many ways that you can incorporate nature into your home and here are a few examples.

  • Bamboo – This wonder material can be used around the house in many ways; in the kitchen, for example, you can surround yourself with bamboo implements, bowls, dishes, cutlery and chopsticks. You can order bamboo bedsheets online (you can’t get any closer to nature that that) and bamboo pyjamas, towels and socks are a thing! Technology is finding new ways to use bamboo and a quick Google will show you some of the amazing uses for bamboo; you can build a house from this material!
  • Natural bedding – Why not invest in a gorgeous wool quilt? An alpaca quilt will last a lifetime and you won’t have an allergic reaction when sleeping under a quality quilt with natural wool. This and bamboo sheets with a naturally filled set of pillows and you have the perfect natural sleeping ambience. A timber bed is the ideal foundation for the truly natural bedroom and you’ll sleep like a log!
  • Indoor tropical plants – Get down to your nearest garden centre and take a look at their range of indoor plants; some need more TLC than others, so choose wisely. Adding earthy greens and browns to the décor will soothe you when you relax after a hard day at the grindstone. Tending plants is known to have a soothing effect and taking care of them soon becomes second nature and you’ll feel great! Ever wondered what’s the difference between a hobby and a pastime? Click here to find out.

10 Ways to make Your Home more Eco-friendly - MyBayut

  • Invest in an air purifier – The air we breathe is often polluted, even though we can’t see it, there are pathogens in the air and running an air purifier at home improves the quality of the air. We all tend to take our health & well-being for granted and while you can’t control the air outside, you can do something at home to ensure you and your family breathe clean air. The units are inexpensive and don’t use much energy, plus they don’t need to be on all the time.
  • Cork flooring – If renovation is on the horizon, cork flooring is worthy of consideration; this amazing material is light, very durable and with a coat of sealant, the floor is watertight. The cork is harvested every 9 years, which doesn’t damage the trees, so your flooring is as natural and as eco-friendly as it could be! There are many finishes and shades of natural brown and walking on cork offers softness and silence, unlike any other flooring.

There are many ways that you can bring nature into your living space and the above are just a few examples. The web is host to unlimited resources and Google can certainly help you find sites that are dedicated to natural living space.

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