What Is the Cost of Permanent Hair Removal?

What Is the Cost of Permanent Hair Removal?

A lot of unwanted hair will certainly detract from your appearance. In general, it is a good idea to remove unwanted hair from exposed body parts, especially the arms, legs, face, etc. Using a razor, hot or cold wax, or other depilatory is temporary. It takes between 15 and 20 days for the hair to grow back. Thanks to permanent hair removal, we can now remove unwanted hair permanently. As more and more people have become conscious of their appearance, permanent hair removal has become more popular since it prevents them from wasting both time and money on temporary methods of hair removal. If you are one of the above, you might be interested in assessing the costs associated with permanent hair removal. In terms of cost, permanent hair removal will depend on your location, what part of your body is being treated, and what type of permanent hair removal you choose. An overview of the cost of permanent hair removal is given below.

Location-Based Cost

The cost of permanent hair removal varies from region to region. A session of permanent hair removal in Fredericton will cost you approximately $400 if you consider Canada. In southern Canada, permanent hair removal sessions can cost up to $300 per session. On the other hand, in the east and west of Canada, one permanent hair removal session may cost you $320 and $450, respectively.

Average Cost as Per Treatment Area

For different body parts, permanent hair removal costs vary. To have the hair removed from the chin, you will need to attend five sessions, which will cost you approximately $200 each. You may have to pay about $250 per session if you want permanent removal of hair from the upper lip. You will need to attend six sessions. Furthermore, permanent hair removal for the bikini line costs $400-$600, for the back is $500-$800, for the facial area, $400-$600, for the arms $200-300, for underarms $200-290, and for the chest $500-$750. If you multiply the cost per session by the number of sessions required, you can calculate the total amount of permanent hair removal from any body part.

Hair Removal Cost as Per the Method

Permanent hair removal is available in many forms. The cost of some varies from cheap to expensive. A summary of permanent hair removal costs is provided below for each of the different types.

 Laser Hair Removal

One of the most popular methods to permanently remove hair is laser hair removal. Lasers are used to shoot a few high-intensity pulses of light at unwanted hair. As the laser energy passes through the hair, the hair gets destroyed. Depending on the place of treatment, laser hair removal costs vary. According to this Canadian based spa website https://www.vibrantsalonandspa.com/services/laser-hair-removal a chin procedure starts at $70 and goes up to $800 for full body. Therefore, laser hair removal typically costs anywhere between $70 and $800.

Intense Pulsed Light

Laser hair removal is a similar process to IPL, which uses intense pulsed light. Instead of using a laser, the system uses a xenon flash lamp. A comparison between intense pulsed light and the previously mentioned hair removal methods reveals that intense pulsed light is comparatively cheaper. Still, it is an expensive procedure with a cost of between $30 and $800.


Electrolysis is another well-known method of removing hair permanently. To perform this procedure, a tiny probe or needle is inserted into the hair follicle. Next, the hair follicle is heated or galvanized. Electrolysis requires one hair strand to be treated separately, meaning that the process is time-consuming and somewhat painful. In terms of cost, the duration of electrolysis determines how much it costs. In general, you can expect to spend between $50 and $100 for 15 minutes of the session.

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